The 2022 Complete Guide to Christmas Shopping Success

Daily Trendy Needs
3 min readDec 21, 2022


When it comes to Christmas shopping, being ready is half the battle. And that usually means having fun before the party is over. Start getting ready in November so you can take it easy in December. During the most-anticipated holiday month, you’ll have to take care of cookies, put up Christmas decorations, build gingerbread houses, and decorate trees.

Christmas Shopping

The best thing is to start Christmas shopping, or more specifically gift shopping, early. First of all, you’ll save money. Second, you won’t have a lot of stress to deal with. And bother. And that familiar last-minute panic. We can help you figure out what to get for grandma, what to get for the kids, or how to stay within your budget. So make your lists and keep reading to find out how to shop for Christmas quickly, easily, and without stress.

How to organise your shopping list for Christmas

Every good plan starts with a list. But what should be on your Christmas shopping list? Who should be included? How should you plan your budget so that you don’t run out of money in December? Here’s a simple plan with three easy steps.

Step 1: Get our Christmas shopping list! Start filling it out and write down everyone’s name, from those you have to buy a gift for to those you’d like to but don’t have to. So, you can wait and see if you have enough money to buy the extra gifts.

Step 2: Write down for each family member or friend what you want to get them as a gift and how much you think it will cost. So, nothing bad will come as a surprise to you in the future.

Step 3: Based on how important the gifts are, find the best prices and stores to buy them from. Compare different stores for a while before you decide where to shop.

How to Get the Best Gifts for Kids at Christmas

The average American family spends close to $1,000 on gifts for Christmas every year, and estimates for Christmas 2022 are even higher. A big part of this budget goes toward buying gifts for the kids. Some of these gifts will be forgotten or thrown away by January. With the recent rise of the “sustainability” movement in all areas, from slow fashion to other goods, you shouldn’t waste things you don’t need.

A lot of stress is going on. And you know from past years that it can be hard to find the right Christmas gifts for your kids. Again, the best thing to do is make a list and check it twice. If Santa can do it, you should be able to as well.

Some people call it “minimalist” or “basic,” but the “magical rule of 4” really does make a big difference. It keeps you from being greedy, keeps your home from getting cluttered, and helps you set goals that are realistic. The goal is to buy 4 gifts, one for each of “Want,” “Need,” “Wear,” and “Read.” Before Christmas, tell your kids about the 4-gift rule. So, they will know how much to expect, but not what to expect, so there will still be an element of surprise.

Something They WANT: They like toys, games, and getting new pets. Give your kids a chance to tell you exactly what they want for Christmas by writing a letter to Santa. This is the only category where the kids can choose their own Christmas gift. It’s their main present, or “the big gift,” and it takes up most of the budget, unless your child wants something cheap, in which case you’re in luck.

Something They NEED: There are a lot of things to buy here for Christmas, from school supplies to things they need for extracurricular activities or hobbies.

Something to READ: Look for books, comics, and magazines.

Things to WEAR: Clothes, shoes, and accessories. Socks and underwear are better as stocking stuffers, while more valuable items, like the new sneakers your fifth-grader has been wanting, belong in the WEAR category.

TIP: If you put Christmas-themed colouring pages in the stockings, you can save money on Christmas shopping. At Daily Needs, you can find Christmas decorations and ornaments that are one of a kind.



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